After a long absence, I am back to blogging. Alot has happened since I last blogged and I won't try to write about it tonite, but will share it a little at a time.
The main thing that happened, just 3 days after writing my last blog, was that my dear mom, who was living with us for the past 3 winters, passed away suddenly from a heart attack. She had been bravely battling cancer for 3 1/2 years. She also had a very weak heart, most likely from taking chemo for so long. Her quality of life had actually been quite good. She always overcame the obstacles that came her way, with an amazing attitude. Although she lived with us, she took great care of herself, always making her bed, washing her own laundry, etc. It was so easy to have her here. I miss her very much. Who do I call when I have good news or something cute that the grandkids did?

This photo was taken just 5 days before she passed away. Like I said, her quality of life was good. My mom loved going to church with us on Sundays and afterwards, my daughter Corrie and her family came to Sunday dinner.We always went to a movie on Friday nights and out to dinner on Sat. nites. On Thursdays, we tried out new restaurants for lunch with Corrie and little almost 2 year old Macy. I was with her when it happened so suddenly and out of the blue, but can honestly say she didn't suffer a moment. While sitting at our dining room table, working on a puzzle at 3:30 on beautiful Wednesday afternoon, she and I were visiting, when she suddenly exclained "I'm so dizzy!" She laid her head down on the table and pretty much was gone, or in a coma, I'm not sure which by the time I ran to her side. She didn't even grab her chest in pain, so I'm convinced that God answered my prayer the past few years that she wouldn't suffer. I've been overwhelmed with amazement at God's kindness in answering that prayer and the sadness of missing her so much. Everything still reminds me of her around the house. The funeral was in Omaha, where she lived. So many wonderful friends and family were there to honor her. All the people she loved and enjoyed so much. The day after the funeral, my sister and I got started on getting her ready house for sale. We worked hard together for a week and a half. We accomplished alot in that time and by the time I left, it was ready to go on the market. It was all quite a whirlwind, with so many decisions to make and memories to cherish. I feel so blessed to have had such wonderful parents who loved us so much. When I start missing her too much, I remind myself that she is safely home with Jesus now, and I feel His wonderful peace. Thank you Jesus, for dying for us so we can be with You forever.
Life goes on, and last night, Dave and I returned from a quick trip to Southern California. I will write more about that on a later date.
I feel like things are beginning to slow down now, so today, I cleaned my house. It was definitely in need of a good cleaning and pulled weeds. And tonite, I am blogging again after a 7 week break.